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Aluminum compounds found in many antiperspirants can contribute t?

The deodorant you use, how much you sweat, your personal hygiene routine and laundry habits can all factor into the armpit stain equation. Tip: If you find icky yellow stains on your shirts, don’t treat them with bleach – it will only worsen the stain. To remove underarm deodorant stains on clothing, use cool water and a white vinegar rinse. Do not put stained garments in the dryer. I use Degree Black & White and haven't developed stains in any of my shirts, even the bright colored ones. things covert narcissists say Read next: Banish Armpit Smell: Tips for Odor-Free Pits. Water-based stains are recommended for their ease. For #5, to manage/prevent underarm odor, I do the following:. Then gently scrub it in with a toothbrush. Leaving the detergent on the stain will give it extra cleaning power. light tan color Using the tight-knit fabric, “rub the deodorant mark briskly but gently so as not to snag or abrade the fabric,” says Wang. How to Prevent Armpit Stains in Shirts. Switch to a non aluminum based deodorant to avoid the problem in the future. “The longer stains are on a fabric, the tougher they are to remove,” she says. sewer vent pipe Commercial stain removers; Preventing Yellow Armpit Stains. ….

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